HousingAug 25, 2017

Modafinil prescription

Anybody have a rec for a dr that will prescribe Modafinil without making a huge deal about it?

Yahoo <0.o> Aug 25, 2017

Provigil? Have you spoken with a doctor at Stanford? I don't take that med (family who does) but found the docs at Stanford to be very reasonable if you have a pre-existing condition.

Google xvC27s OP Aug 25, 2017

Haven't tried stanford. Tried a psychiatrist who gave me Zoloft and said she doesn't feel comfortable prescribing provigil so I should see a sleep dr instead (also have sleep apnea). That dr wants me to do cpap, dental device, and surgery before he will consider med. ugh.

Yahoo <0.o> Aug 25, 2017

Recently had some health issues. Can highly recommend Stanford Healthcare over other places I've been. Fully covered with my Cigna plan too. Check them out.

Microsoft Biased Aug 25, 2017

Protip: if you legitimately need a prescription for a controlled drug, don't go to a doctor telling them about how you want it.

Yahoo <0.o> Aug 25, 2017

They can see if you have taken it before and for how long from a Rx clearinghouse. Epic, Surescripts, etc are able to do this. Depends on if you need it. OP stated he has sleep apnea which is commonly treated with Provigil so it makes sense.

Intuit kzinti Aug 25, 2017

Modafinil isn't addictive, but it also doesn't treat sleep apnea, it just helps treat lack of quality sleep. I researched it and talked to doctors about it and had no problem getting a prescription for it, it's just hard to get covered by insurance.

Twitch orgP70 Aug 25, 2017

You can get gray market online pretty easily, but make sure you research sources. Did it a few years ago with success but can't vouch for recent optionw

Intuit kzinti Aug 25, 2017

Stopped? Did you develop side effects or did your sleep pattern normalize?

Microsoft wanacry😢 Aug 26, 2017

I have abused moda extensively for academic and work purposes. At best, you can focus of you get a great nights sleep the night before. but it makes you into a zombie and highly irritatable. its unpleasant. coffee best.

Microsoft wanacry😢 Aug 26, 2017

and BTW, it is not a replacement for sleep over the long term. there is no replacement for good sleep. nothing taught me that better than mod

Redfin lisafrank Aug 30, 2017

Yeah it's like shitty knockoff adderall

Disney 🐡OpenBSD Aug 26, 2017

Also, it makes your urine smell really bad. That's the only downside I've encountered. No crash, no jitters.

Salesforce GonaSendIt Aug 26, 2017

Take a weekend trip to Tijuana

Microsoft KillllMeee Aug 26, 2017

You can buy it over the counter in India. I load up on it every time I visit.

Microsoft Biased Aug 26, 2017

Great way to get a drug charge and permanently banned from the US....

Microsoft KillllMeee Aug 26, 2017

It's not drug charge if you have a prescription. You get one for like $2 in India or you can ask the pharmacist to give you one. America is the guilty one here with its retarded drug laws

Cisco modafinil Aug 26, 2017

From India online. I asked my AA doc and he said no

Cisco modafinil Aug 26, 2017

Probably best to find a doc that's clueless

Thoughtworks KpQ27 Aug 26, 2017

If you have a friend who will be in India, have them buy you a few hundred in a corner shop and bring it back; it's as common there as Starbucks is here. USA TSA had no issues with it (undeclared) in early 2017

Thoughtworks KpQ27 Aug 26, 2017

One of my co-workers apparently didn't know that it was harder to get in the USA, ended up unexpectedly going home for the holidays basically to pick up a supply... His parents were happy tho lol