IndiaMay 3

Most bakwas shark of shark tank india

The most cringe..and why? #India #sharkTank

48 Participants
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Amazon coruptMind May 3

Who watched this shit 💩?

Google cnidiuje May 3

Any IITian who tries to show their philosophy of how hard they worked in JEE and how hard they had to grind at their startups. None of them acknowledge luck in being gifted or right time right place and act like they’re some kings of this world (which they sadly lucked into as well)

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Amazon 🪙obscur May 3

Deepindar, arrogant and unhelpful

Marqeta kubera May 3

Sorry, इसमें मेरा कोई expertise नही है, so for that reason I am out. But I wish you all the very best ☺️