Tech IndustryDec 5, 2018

Most millennial things seen at work

Most millennial things seen at work I'll start 1. Suntanning on the deck while "working" 2. Shots at work on a Tuesday 3. People pilfering snacks on a regular basis. 4. Show up at 10, leave at 5, complain about lack of progress.

McAfee JohnMcPee Dec 5, 2018

Complaining about low TC on Blind when it by far exceeds the median for that role.

Microsoft Fapi489 Dec 5, 2018

"Show up at 10, leave at 5" how is that a problem to you? There are many people who are efficient enough to complete there work working 10 to 5

Illumina EpicEnzyme Dec 5, 2018

You need to read the whole line

Verizon SnoopDoge Dec 5, 2018

What change can possibly occur by coming an hour earlier? Like seriously.

Amazon BB! Dec 5, 2018

Most non-millennial behavior: shitting on millennials when your generation fucked up the world and raised us. Thx

Citibank $$>RSU Dec 5, 2018

Details about this fucked up world please. By the way the previous generations created the company you’re employed by. Same with the device you’re using at this very moment and just about every other comfort you enjoy in this fucked up world you live in. But please do tell. Side note only difference between millennials and gen x is you grew up in a world where you ask for the things we wanted. I actually admire your generation. I think you’ll add value to society. You (individually) on the other had represent the bitc#y face of your generation. You are the reason we can’t stand your generation.

Citibank $$>RSU Dec 5, 2018

I think it’s your interpretation. I see my comments as very positive and constructive. Seems you need someone to agree with and validate your thoughts rather than have a disagreement and discussion. THiS is an example of annoying millennial behavior.

Apple Okidoki Dec 5, 2018

2. Flu shots?

Amazon PoofyBunny Dec 5, 2018

Do people older than millennials actually use blind?

Microsoft CrashOverr Dec 5, 2018

All those sound fucking awesome to me

Google UJBa23 Dec 5, 2018

I mean... can you have a taco Tuesday without tequila? 🥴

Cloudera lkO84@ Dec 5, 2018

2 yoe , bootcamper getting base package of Staff Engineer.

Sirius XM Debwh1 Dec 5, 2018

1. Company builds a “fort” outside on campus to attract millennials. 2. Taking free food and drinks from work home if they’re available or complaining no free food and drinks are available if not. 3. Wondering how an extra hour or two spent working each day would positively impact progress (see comment above up toward the top of the comments for context). 4. Expecting promotion just for performing basic job responsibilities, and sometimes poorly at that. 5. Copycatting UX from outside the industry designed to achieve a completely different set of metrics for no explained reason other than “it’s what [insert currently hip company here] is doing.”

ufJz68 OP Dec 5, 2018

3,4 and 5 are on point

Lllll111l Dec 5, 2018

Super funny how the only people shitting on millennials work at places like Citibank and Sirius XM loool

Orlando Health Boondock Dec 5, 2018

Watching millenials like Fapi489 only read half a post and think they have answers to world