Women in TechApr 10, 2018

Muh Misogyny

‘Grand Theft Auto 5’ more profitable than any film or book. Ever! We all know how lame games would be if designed by the liberal feminazis. Anita Sarkeesian and her ilk haven’t ruined everything in the world yet but they’re getting close. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-violent-videogame-has-made-more-money-than-any-movie-ever-2018-04-06

This violent videogame has made more money than any movie ever
This violent videogame has made more money than any movie ever
Amazon Jooooba Apr 10, 2018

Because profits into the pocket of the creator are the only legit way to measure the value of a product to society. Yup.

Facebook Kilimanjar Apr 10, 2018

Yes. Money is a store of value. You pay $$$ for something of value to you. This is objectively true. If 100 people paid me $10 each to buy my product, they perceived value of >= $10 each which is why they paid me. I created value worth $1000. Feel-good liberal bs doesn’t work in objective reality.

Docker SelfDrivin Apr 10, 2018

People also pay for Facebook ads.

PriyankaG Apr 10, 2018

What’s a liberal feminazi? A liberal feminist who is a Nazi? That discribes like less than 5 people in this world lol

Credit Karma Johmy Apr 15, 2018

Conservatism these days seems to mostly be whatever the political version of Tourette’s syndrome is. Just foam and spittle being coughed through resentful spasms.

PriyankaG Apr 15, 2018

Yup, seems something a random generator would spit out

Microsoft getaroom Apr 10, 2018

Release XB1 enhanced patch and I will pay $25 for it.

Apple ʞɹɐԀǝldd∀ Apr 10, 2018

There’s literally one sentence in that whole article about critics saying the game is misogynistic. The rest of the bulk text is about how successful and the game is any why people like it. Yet you pivot your whole narrative on one word and make this to be about liberals. Pretty sure nobody cares about that. Why the rage? After all, isn’t it conservatives that screed about violent video games and angry music as the reason for school shootings and the godless heathenism of our youth? Oh wait...maybe it’s the liberals fault?

Microsoft 🦄OGKush🦄 Apr 10, 2018

Yes, liberal social engineering is responsible for the shit show that is present state US society. Thanks libtards for the low social cohesion bastardized culture you’ve created. Really great raising kids in this fucked up society.

Credit Karma Johmy Apr 15, 2018

Lol, conservatives are so thin skinned and easily set-off.

Amazon Jooooba Apr 10, 2018

The thing that impressed me most about right wing trolls is how productive my conversations are with them. Thanks OGKush! You may also want to look back at the history of immigration for the first few hundred years of our society to understand the role of conservatives in importing cheap immigrant labor - which contributed to our mixed society. As did things like religious freedom, which meant religiously motivated immigrants of all stripes - and a lack of cohesion. So DAMN THOSE FOUNDERS!!!

Microsoft 🦄OGKush🦄 Apr 10, 2018

Notice before the liberals took over in the 1960s we didn’t have a diversity immigration policy. Historically we have been very particular about who we accepted and banned immigrants from many countries. Thanks for the history lesson though.

Amazon Jooooba Apr 10, 2018

You are 100% wrong. Throughout the vast majority of US history we had almost no restrictions on immigration. Even when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Alien Contract Labor laws of 1885 and 1887 were passed, they only restricted very specific populations, leaving most able to come in. And many were far more about racist tropes (like anti-Irish for example) rather than broad restrictions.

Amazon Jooooba Apr 11, 2018

If you’ve been in shitty places, I’m surprised you want the current system to crumble. We’re so much better off here than so many parts of the world where small scale corruption is rampant, cops can’t be trusted, getting anything done involves bribing everyone, and infrastructure is so bad that kids die regularly from waterborne diseases. Things generally get better from more cooperation, not less. Trade wars don’t generally help. Real wars teach a new generation of kids to hate the country that killed their relatives. Without these oceans separating the US we’d be so much more fucked given the last 30 years of our actions. Burning shit down results in ashes and destitution, building things is what results in improvements. I hope your life gets better. I’m guessing that a destroyed country and world won’t make it better. But things like investment in jobs, health care, and other societal goods would help. But I don’t know you. I do know those would help millions of other Americans and we won’t get that from destruction.