CompensationNov 12, 2018

Multiple Simultaneous Microsoft Interviews and Offers

How does it work when interviewing with MSFT and getting more than one offer? Does each team have a different budget/range? Or do recruiters somehow coordinate the offers? Just curious, as I don’t want some team that undervalues me to dictate the offer $$$ on another team. I have a few interviews with multiple teams coming up and am anticipating getting more than one offer simultaneously. I would ask recruiter... but they surely won’t tell me how the offer $$$ works. Any ideas? Does the equation fundamentally change if I have external offer as well? I am planning to snag a couple external ones. My strategy so far has been: apply to lots of places and schedule on sites all in the same week. But, I didn’t anticipate getting into multiple onsites for MSFT... So perhaps only doing one MSFT at a time is better. Or maybe not, since spacing them out would preclude external offers. Thoughts?

Microsoft CTH Nov 12, 2018

Don’t do it.

Amazon b2bdu6 Nov 12, 2018

I did it. If multiple teams agree to hire you then you have a sell call with respective manager/director. Then you pick ONE team and then you get the offer from that team. They are not going to go on a bidding war for you, so you cant say get me both offers and i will choose higher TC :).

Amazon Bs)&:! OP Nov 12, 2018

OK good. This is a good system. I also don’t want each team bidding for the lowest price in collusion either! :) Guess you ended the thread. Thanks again

Amazon b2bdu6 Nov 12, 2018

Good luck!

Intel Tensed🤯 Dec 26, 2018

OP - did each hiring manager know that you you were interviewing for other teams at msft?