My onsite experience

I had my last step of virtual onsite with Reddit a few days ago. They broke my onsite in Code, System Design and Soft Skills. I applied for a Senior FrontEnd role. On my code session, I was able to finish the solution with about 15 minutes left. I came up with a good idea how to solve the challenge, but during the implementation I made a few mistakes, which I fixed myself. In the end he found a bug and I fixed it right away. The solution was perfectly functional and we got into discussions about performance afterwards. About the System Design, I was able to design a good architecture and got into advanced discussions with the interviewer. In the end of the interview, he asked me to start to code the solution. Had just a few minutes to do it and I made a few mistakes that I fixed after he warned me about them, but the general idea was there. Regarding the Soft Skills, it was a very regular conversation with an Engineering Manager about my previous experiences, what I was looking for and things like that. I think he liked me, because he ended the conversation by saying that he hoped to have me on the team soon. For those of you who have experience with this type of interview, does this seem like approval? #reddit #onsite #engineering #frontend

31 Participants
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Shopify chaidgb May 9, 2022

Code a system design?

Walmart 🦆truck May 10, 2022

@op can you answer this? How do you code a system design?

DAZN lUOU55 OP May 12, 2022

Sure! Sorry for the delay guys! The idea was to quickly create some files and start writing the components and discuss how they would communicate with each other. Things were not expected to work out. It didn't seem very useful to me TBH, but maybe they'll use it to get more insight into my technical level.

BMO pUlR54 May 9, 2022

For code session, did have to build small UI like auto complete search bar?

DAZN lUOU55 OP May 9, 2022

Yes, something like that. But still important to keep your algorithm sharp (the problem had algorithm mixed with front-end stuff).

JTxM05 May 9, 2022

Was it leetcode questions for coding rounds?

DAZN lUOU55 OP May 9, 2022

Front-end mixed with medium leetcode problem, I would say.

JTxM05 May 9, 2022

Did you have to build a UI using React/Angular? Or was it just JavaScript? Was it leetcode tagged questions?