AMANov 7, 2023

My path to L8 - AMA

2004 - Moved to US for Masters in CS 2006 - First consulting gig at $30/hr thru H1B shop 2008 - Unemployed half the year due to recession 2011 - Tier 2 Sr SWE ($150k) 2013 - Principal at new IPO ($320k, brutal WLB, left once GC approved) 2013 - Tier 3 Eng Manager (team size 8, $200k) 2014 - Sr Manager (promo) (team size 10) 2016 - Director (promo) (team size 60) 2016 - Sr Director at diff Tier 3 ($350k, 50 people) 2018 - Managed out due to political CPO 2018 - Sr Director at $2B company (boring, $450k) 2019 - FANG L7 ($750k, good WLB) 2020 - Same role, diff org, shit manager 2021 - Google L8 (hiring boom, 150 people, $1.4M) Along the way, I’ve flunked tens if not hundreds of interviews. I’ve never said no to a recruiter as it keeps you in practice or helps you build a connection with them. I’ve had times when I was given a Leetcode medium and just stared at the whiteboard because I’d been managing for 6-7 years and have forgotten a lot. My family thinks I’m successful and in a powerful position at work (lol). In reality, interviews and changing jobs every 2-3 years sucks up a lot of energy and burns you out. The rejections demoralize you. I worry about my job a lot as well as I’m only half way to my target retirement number. I’ll always be comfortable, but the anxiety is real because there are so few jobs available at higher levels. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I survive at this level for 4 years so I can hit my number and retire early. I’m not really putting in enough effort to get to L9 or VP at FANG. I’m past 40 and have other priorities. I know nearly half my life is done, and I want to prioritize my happiness. I do my job and go home. The financial incentive is huge to get to VP - $3/yr minimum, but the energy has run out. We’ll see though. Yesterday was a stressful day at work and made me reflect on my journey so far. I like to write down my thoughts occasionally so I figured I’d write it here. AMA reasonable

13avdq Nov 7, 2023

I don't really have a question, but just wanted to thank you! This brings us some hope ❤️

Amazon AppSecEng Nov 7, 2023

If you could go back in time, would you job hop as much as you did?

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

I’d get into FANG sooner and enjoy the stability.

Microsoft bluemacaw Nov 7, 2023

Do you think you could grow as fast as you did? Or you wouldn’t care as much as long as you’re stable

Meta 71q Nov 7, 2023

Nice job buddy.

Apple aWVt68 Nov 7, 2023

When did you get your Gc?

Capital One kindaRight Nov 7, 2023

If you magically hit your number tonight (and then some), would you go into work tomorrow? What’s your game plan to make VP? Would you just do it long enough to hit your number? Or will you keep milking it

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

1) No, I’ll likely retire immediately 2) No game plan. No energy to strategize. 3) Yes, and maybe another 2 years to simply spend on some “wants” (a pool, Porsche 911, a couple really expensive trips [African Safari], and donate half)

Capital One kindaRight Nov 7, 2023

What are your regrets, if any, along the way? I’m at the beginning of this grind and seem to be plateauing due to politics at the L5/L6 equivalent.

13avdq Nov 7, 2023

"2011 Tier 2 SWE to 2013 Principal at new IPO" was a big jump, what did you do differently to land that?

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

Kept interviewing. It was an L+1 move. Made it clear to recruiters I wanted a $100k raise and most laughed it off. One didn’t.

Amazon bgfbgb Nov 7, 2023

What do you mean by Tier 2? Could you give examples of companies.

Intrinsic Schools ASfwqa Nov 7, 2023

How hard is it to break into FAANG now then when u joined?

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

Much harder. Too many people, too few roles. Supply and demand.

Grammarly plinter Nov 7, 2023

Would you say joint FAANG even if it’s a slight down level if your goal is stability and a longer time at the same company (4+ years)?

ex-Meta zbarabar Nov 7, 2023

I peaked out at L7 at a FAANg ($1.1m) and in a break mode. Really loving my time off - spending more with family, travel, having a slow day. We have around $7m, spouse still planning to work for a year or two and then hang boots! I am still not sure whether I want to get back to work - it’s been so blissful since I got laid off!

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

That’s great. I’m glad you’re looking at it positively. Good luck.

Google bazbarbaz Nov 7, 2023

How did you get to $7m ?!?

ByteDance whatdfaaa Nov 7, 2023

Do you consider going back home and taking a higher level ther ?

IIlllllIIl Nov 7, 2023

I literally cannot even imagine getting paid $1.4m a year. You’re a badass, good luck! That jump from 18 to 21 is insane.

Google G🙃🙃GLR OP Nov 7, 2023

I feel very fortunate and luck has a huge role to play here. Btw the real magic is beyond these levels. L9 at $2-2.5M, VP $3-$7M, SVP $15M+ Not worth it IMO if you’re in a stressful job at 60 years old.

Slack HSsQ23 Nov 7, 2023

The "real magic" is relative and never ending. For someone at 50k, 200k is probably the dream. For someone at 500k, it's probably 1mil.