PoliticsOct 21, 2021

Inequality in enforcement of bike helmet laws

https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/king-county-vote-repealing-helmet-law/281-bc394a5a-ad5c-432f-b1bb-fe98a29942e8 "King County Board of Health may repeal its helmet law, which data show is disproportionately enforced on communities of color and the homeless." Is this actual inequality or the subtle racism of lower expectations? For reference: You can get a Schwinn helmet on Amazon for $20

Inequity prompts King County to vote on repealing bicycle helmet law
Inequity prompts King County to vote on repealing bicycle helmet law
Amazon 7Oy4GZ Oct 21, 2021

Why should we care if people wear bike helmets? They can only hurt themselves. It’s a personal decision.

Facebook /dev/mem OP Oct 21, 2021

Do you feel that way about seatbelts?

Amazon 7Oy4GZ Oct 21, 2021

Yes. And I also feel the same about vaccines. You do whatever makes sense for you; it’s none of my business as long as I can make my own choices for myself.

Google АtіnlayХVІ Oct 22, 2021

This is an interesting case study of the progressive stack. They're protecting people by taking away protection. The liberal mind works in mysterious ways.

Bloomberg antiTaxer Oct 22, 2021

“Mysterious” is putting it mildly.

Oracle Cohnt Oct 22, 2021

So, whites wear the helmet, “communities of color and the homeless” do not, let’s cancel the discriminating law

Amazon amanicorn Nov 1, 2021

it's a racist move: let the POC die more