NVIDIA offer process

Got a verbal offer from NVIDIA the week before last week and finished the reference check last Tuesday. Negotiated the numbers with a competing offer and the recruiter said it would have to go through the VP approval process. Haven't heard back since then, and it has been over a week. Now I found that the REQ post is removed from workday as well. Is this normal? How long does the offer approval process take? Is this related to the recent hiring pause? Thanks for your info! #tech #nvda #nvidia #hiring #nvidiacareer TC: 230k #swe #engineering

Workato n21ew12 Apr 17

Should of taken initial offer, right now is not the time to negotiate if you are eager to join a company.

Cerner vroom_66 Apr 17

Negotiation is common. OP did nothing wrong!

Workato n21ew12 Apr 17

Depends if you are going out of pay band and need vp approval

Col Custrd Apr 17

The problem with not accepting initial offer is they keep interviewing, so it's possible someone interviewed as well or better than you who took the first offer or who they have an offer out for and are waiting to hear back. Snooze you lose.