
Need a Refferal for Verily Life Sc(Google)

Found a couple of very interesting roles in HW that are a very good match to my skills and exprience. Any fellow Blinders willing to put-in a refferal

Microsoft BoseDkay Aug 7, 2019

A third party recruiter approached me at the early stage of verily. She just mentioned the company name and reluctant to say share more details, she said itโ€™s confidential and backed by google. I didnโ€™t cared much at that time, after a year I got to know that itโ€™s part of alphabet ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Apple ๐Ÿฅญmango OP Aug 7, 2019

Any chance you still have the contact for the recruiter