Tech IndustryJan 23, 2020

Need advice

I’m working as a data scientist at FTB for two years now. I also have 1.5 yrs of experience in a startup prior to coming to US. I’m looking for data science roles outside banking but haven’t had much luck yet. Rejected by Facebook after onsite and Uber recruiter ghosted. Planning to pause my job search for few months and build a strong profile - does winning kaggle competitions help in getting job? Do AWS/GCP certifications matter?

Neurocrine gTz29 Jan 23, 2020

Kaggle won't help in getting a DS job

Fifth Third Bank MsMaisel OP Jan 23, 2020

What would you do then? SDEs have leetcode, what’s the equivalent for DS?

Neurocrine gTz29 Jan 23, 2020

Nothing, seriously.

Walmart WgQa41 Jan 23, 2020


E*Trade cbEV72 Jan 23, 2020

Why? What’s wrong with ftb, mr job hopper?

Fifth Third Bank MsMaisel OP Jan 23, 2020

There are no new problems to work on

E*Trade cbEV72 Jan 23, 2020

Is that your best reason to hop just after less than two years? You must try harder. Ftb solves all DS problems, yeah right