Tech IndustryJan 17, 2020

Need some SAP BSA experts

My team is hiring some SAP BSA experts to help setup SAP. If anyone has any experience with SAP and is a strong BSA, DM me and i can refer you. This process will definitely cut the line since we really are in need of some SAP people.

Deloitte Ceeker Jan 17, 2020

Using this post to promote Deloitte as well. We are looking!! Send to me and g0ogle!

MindTree ct91da Jan 17, 2020

What are y'all paying

SAP SAPsGreat Jan 17, 2020

Does BSA equal Business Systems Analyst? And if so, what’s the comp structure?

Google g0ogle OP Jan 17, 2020

Yes, and I’m not sure what the pay is but I can hook you up with a recruiter that can answer your questions