
New grad, absolutely hopeless

Been applying to new grad jobs for almost 2 years now. Have a 600/600 codesignal and good interview skills but can’t land any interviews even with facebook and amazon internships on resume. I only really had one interview in all this time and I made it to the final round and got rejected. tc: 0

ChargePoint abcdefgh21 Feb 16

Did you get return offer from meta or Amz ?

Meta w.hunting OP Feb 16

Amazon yes, but I turned it down for Meta. Nobody really got a meta return offer in the summer of 2022

Apple timcooook Feb 16

Meta is rehiring a lot of their summer 2022 interns. Did you try getting in touch with your former team?

Amazon bNHO33 Feb 16

Your resume is probably not working for you if you are not getting any interviews. Consider posting it on blind or seeking out improvements

Meta w.hunting OP Feb 16

I’ve had it reviewed by many senior level FAANG+ engineers and they all said it looked great. I don’t think companies are even viewing my resume tbh

Amazon BusDriver! Feb 16

Why would you get them reviewed by engineers? Get it reviewed by managers and recruiters.

Flexport eFDI43 Feb 16

That's awful. I have 10 yoe, senior level and I keep getting solicited for positions. I've been interviewing for a fair amount of them but keep getting rejected even when I get feedback that all the rounds in the onsite went fairly well. Seems like there's always a better candidate so companies can be picky. Fortunately for now I'm employed. TC between 220 and 400k depending on what my RSUs are worth.

Amazon bNHO33 Feb 19

Fairly well isn't good enough these days. The job market is too competitive.

Flexport eFDI43 Feb 21

I consider myself above grinding leetcode so my performance will probably remain at fairly well. Honestly considering changing this tho.

Uber HR@Uber Feb 16

2 years removed from graduating? Stop applying to new grad positions

Meta w.hunting OP Feb 16

Graduated may 2023, started applying august 2022

ex-Google fellasl Feb 16

what does this mean Uber?

Amazon JElI70 Feb 16

So you got this account while you interned at meta?

Remotasks wugtheory Feb 16

Eesh, I'm toast then. I don't have those kinds of names on my resume. I have my MSc in NLP, but don't really have much relevant experience. I graduated in August 2022. I've had 4 interviews out of maybe 1,075-ish apps. 2 startups (wildly different salaries. The first offered 125K-250K base and the second was 65k base), 1 government job, and a contract Meta position. My interview rate is abysmal.

Meta mGiR70 Feb 16

How is that toast if you got an offer?

Remotasks wugtheory Feb 16

My wording must have been poor. I never received any offers. I meant to say that those were the pay ranges listed for the roles at the startup companies. I'm 0-4 when it comes to successful interviews.

sdlcpro Feb 16

I’m in the same boat my brother, may 2023 graduation, applying from aug 2022. Amazon NG offer rescinded, almost got a offer at a startup but the they found a more experienced person for a junior role. Currently interviewing at a startup for a contract role which requires 3+ YOE. All I can say is ” Best of luck for the future “ Irrelevant to post but I have a strong feeling that after the elections we will go into recession.

General Motors copycode2 Feb 21

Any tips on finding startups to apply to?

Snap a23z93c Feb 16

have you tried going for swe roles from contractor and agency companies? like insight global, talentwave, accenture, etc? they all have their own independent job boards

Wolters Kluwer YlDQ00 Feb 16

R u near Bay Area?

leodicap Feb 19

Probably not from the timeline especially with everyone wanting in-office. Unless they're only going for well known companies.

MongoDB mKlg2 Feb 16

Are you actually applying for everything or just big tech?