
New grad seeking referral in tech companies

Hello everyone, I am about to finish my Master's degree in Health Informatics and looking for new opportunities to use my skills as a data analyst/data scientist in tech companies. I've completed my bachelor's in dental surgery from India and skilled in Python, SQL, Tableu, Power BI, SAS, R with an intermediate knowledge of C++ and JAVA. I recently finished working as a Software engineer intern at Medtronic for 6 months and will be graduating in May 2022. Please let me know if you are hiring, willing to give a referral, or know someone who can help. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. TC: N/A since currently unemployed. #jobs #faang #jobhunt #dataanalyst #datavisualization #softwareengineer #tech #health #dataanalytics #dataanalytics #data #datascience

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