New opportunity

I got to know about a role which I m very much interested in , new role’s MD and my director are good allies. My boss is a great guy , relies on me heavily , perfect work environment but I m ambitious and want to move up. I applied but not sure if I shd personally reach out to this MD so that they can interview me or shd I inform my manager as well. ? Don’t want to spoil existing relationships when I don’t even know if I get the role and at the same time don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity. How shd I deal with this situation? # worklife

oScx21 Apr 10

You are screwed. Your manager now knows you are leaving and will look for substitute asap

Citibank bAQN75 OP Apr 10

Are you saying I shouldn’t apply for any role then ? I m asking for a diplomatic way to handle this situation

Citibank bAQN75 OP Apr 10

He will never fire me lol .. so I m not screwed lol ..