Tech IndustryJan 15, 2023
#ReadyForWorkbusy busy

Niantic T5 Annual Comp Adjustments

Does Niantic have base salary raises and stock refreshers each year? Also, what has been the average actual bonus percentage paid out for "Meets Expectations" for a T5 in the past few years?

Niantic greenie3 Jan 16, 2023

I haven't heard of anyone not getting comp increase, but it may be lower than expected. Bonus has historically been generous relative to target percent (18 for T5?) if you perform well.

Niantic aNkN22 Jan 18, 2023

Stock refreshers are exclusive to certain positions. Base salary is adjusted every year based on market changes / inflation, additional percent is increased if you’re moved higher in the pay band. If someone is already at the top of their pay band, their increases will be smaller. Historically speaking, employees have felt the annual adjustment has not adequately kept up with inflation.

Niantic WklL55 Jan 20, 2023

you can also look at the recent job listings, they should have comp range, that’ll give you a sense of where your salary is on the band