Hiring Manager Ghost after final interview

Hello Blinders, I just finished my interview for a sales role at Intel, the hiring Manger said he will get back to me the following week. It's been 2 weeks, the hiring manager is not responding to emails nor calls again. What could be the reason? Is this normal process for Intels sales team. Should I just move on and forget about the role? TC: 0

GitHub BJ BJ Mar 28

Move on.

Applenewt Mar 28

This happens with other companies too and it sucks. Look elsewhere.

FINRA gAai60 Mar 28


ex-Open Systems International txt12 OP Mar 28


Lucid Motors baycoaster Mar 28

Move on

^_^ Mar 28

move on. this is the normal process everywhere

Intel imthepower Mar 29

You are directly calling HM ? Why ? You realize that last two weeks have been spring break week ?

ex-Open Systems International txt12 OP Mar 31

You asked me to call you if I didn't hear from you. Rashed please make the decision, let me move on. hahahahahaha