
No Interviews Despite Having 1k Leetcode Questions Answered on Resume

Hi everyone, Current fresher looking for a role. I have my leetcode answered on the top of my resume and I have my leetcode rank as well as my placements in leetcode challenges. Despite all of this I am getting no interviews. Please help me

Google chdksjs573 Mar 17


ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Hello, please kindly refer me

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

@Google I have roles I would like to work at, please refer me thank you

Lenovo df4zx6 Mar 17

You have scared off your would be interviewers

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Hello please kindly refer me

Lenovo df4zx6 Mar 17

Definitely once I also get a job.

Discover Financial Services SwervingEy Mar 17

Don’t put that in your resume lmao. Companies are still under the illusion that the best of the best have to be able to do Leetcode without grinding somehow. It makes you look like a try hard in their eyes if anything and they really don’t care about it.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Hi there, can you refer me? Thank you. I will be forever in your debt

Discover Financial Services SwervingEy Mar 17

Kid, I would but my company is a sinking ship rn

Amazon 10k/da Mar 17

first step is remove leetcode count on resume

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

No thank you.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Can you refer me?

Google alpaca 🦙 Mar 17


ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Hello @Google can you kindly refer me?

Google alpaca 🦙 Mar 17

I dont refer indians in india

Amazon v6ge Mar 17

This sounds like a joke, but your comments suggest otherwise

Salesforce gtcx60 Mar 17

Bruh, troll post? I can refer if you like, but I'd recommend having your resume reviewed.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

salesforce is my dream company, I kindly ask you for a referral

Salesforce gtcx60 Mar 17


Amazon 10k/da Mar 17

seems like trolling. reported for spam

Cisco dearleader Mar 17

The tech industry is going to be very hard for freshers this year. I don’t refer people I don’t personally know.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Please. We can get to know each other I will dm you now

Microsoft Lapj19 Mar 17

Immediate red flag. Don't want to hire leetcode warriors. Get your resume reviewed to show yourself as a well balanced engineer instead. Also it's a tough job market out there now. Very few openings

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Mar 17

Hi I am sorry, can I have a referral to Microsoft I will do anything you need me to. Thank you kindly I will send over my roles right now

Palo Alto Networks drtwtdsa Mar 18

@Microsoft, what is your level L62? Why MS does not need champ coders?