
Nvidia PM Salaries

What are the salaries of Nvidia PMs for new offers these days at Senior and Principal levels (IC4 to IC7). Levels.fyi has data from 2022. And the stocks have been inflated since then. Has there been any changes? TC: 900K

Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Alibaba Cloud Elon.. Mar 29

900k? Are you a PM?

bxcty23 OP Mar 29

Yes. Why else would I ask for PM salaries :)

Alibaba Cloud Elon.. Mar 29

Have you considered your salary is an outlier.

AMD NwNc78 Mar 30

Lol at 900k for a PM job

NVIDIA WQIz56 Mar 30

Depending on the area the highest you're getting is IC4/5. We've over hired IC5/6/7 and some organizations are going low OC or NCG only. They way overhired and overpaid ex-pros and it caused a lot of salary compression in the lower levels and tenured employees. IC5 PM last I hired was 230k-ish base, 375k 4 year RSU grant. It hasn't changed when the stock jumped in the past, I wouldn't expect it to be higher now.

bxcty23 OP Mar 30

So this meant 230K + 95k i.e. 325k per year.. seems low. Off late, I have been seeing a few senior software PM and principal PM openings in generative ai space with base salary listed between 200 - 370K and additional stock grants on top of it. I am also seeing some senior PM roles having higher base pay than principal PM roles, so not sure how to interpret them.

NVIDIA WQIz56 Mar 30

NVIDIA isn't an AI company, we're an AI HW supplier primarily. If you want to make 900k in a space that may or may not be here in a few years, be my guest. If you're chasing 900k here, you're about 18 months too late. If you're here to chase the stock we don't want you. My TC is 900k, and I hired in around the same IC5 numbers I gave you 2.5 years ago. I hired 2 employees in at similar numbers. They aren't changing.


I would recommend staying put. Even if you some how manager to get an IC7 offer which doesn’t happen for external hire, it’ll be hard to beat 900K

bxcty23 OP Mar 30

Is IC7 an IC role or a people manager role. I agree IC7 won't be easy but then I am wondering what am IC6 pay would stretch to and can it be anywhere close to 900K even with this inflated stock

NVIDIA WQIz56 Mar 30

ICs are all ICs. Managers are M levels. To become a manager here you have to really exhibit NVIDIA culture and you don't seem like you're willing to do much but chase salary. Stay put.

Intellect Design bndhs Mar 31

900k per year or per decade? 😂

Intel imthepower Mar 31

You have to be at Google or Meta at Group PM level. Atleast. If you are a director at Google or meta, why would you even consider principal pm at nvidia. But my best guess is that you are GPM at Google/ Meta. Principal at nvidia will be a huge downgrade from there and I am positive they won’t be able to match your salary.

Apple DeYvZ38 Apr 1

If you’re primarily chasing money this is the worst time to be joining Nvidia. You should’ve joined 2 or even 1 year ago.