
Off-shore to Eastern Europe

Thoughts? What typical rates would you look for? Looking to build an entire product end to end. Design, dev, web & mobile. Has anyone worked with the eastern block countries like Poland, Slovakia or Czech Republic?

Intel intelgasb Aug 15, 2017

30% of US rate

Thomson Reuters DevOpsDBag Aug 15, 2017

My former employer is outsourcing more and more to Belarus. Good level of English spoken. Cheaper talent. Cool accents. Can't give you exact figures but it's enough of a saving that they're not-so-subtly letting their west coast dev teams wither and die.

Pinterest panicpanda Aug 15, 2017

Prague will be best followed by Bratislava. Good senior devs/TLs there are extremely talented and their salaries reflect it (4.5-5k USD/mo or 3x avg czech wage). The average complacent ones probably around the 3-3.5 mark. Going outside the capitals, communication ability and quality of work starts to suffer but also much cheaper price. If you're looking for dirt cheap consider Romania or Bulgaria. (Source: worked in Prague a number of years)

Creatix iDkw48 OP Aug 16, 2017

That's what I've been getting thank you!

Creatix iDkw48 OP Aug 19, 2017
