Offer Eval: Product Manager at SiriusXM vs Technical Product Marketing Manager at HashiCorp

Hello, I have a 6 month contract role at SiriusXM, independent contractor (so no benefits) for a PM role. They are offering around 120 hr which is almost 250k salary. The offer is already on the table for me to sign, would start next week. HashiCorp is 130-150k plus benefits, 401k. I'm at initial rounds with HC, so I'm in a bit of a bind here. The PM role suits me more than TPMM, let me know your thoughts. TC: 0$110K #productmanager #siriusxm #hashicorp #pandora #pm #pmm

HashiCorp ❤️trumpism Dec 15, 2022

If you already have an offer and are ready to sign while the other one is still in progress, I would probably take the offer first. 250k is almost double of HC one, plus PM is better than PMM. But the catch is that you might end up jobless after the contract ends. But remember you did make a lot of money and that can probably give you some savings to find jobs. Plus there are no guarantees that there will be no layoffs for any full time jobs either.

IBM wstenn OP Dec 17, 2022

Hey yea I accepted the temp job as the other role was more of a marketing position and not PM. Money is great yes I'll need to make a strong impact to possibly convert to full time (or interview elsewhere). A friend of mine recommended I establish clear goals and expectations for the 6 months.

Pandora scrolllock Dec 30, 2022

SXM will cut contractors quick, beware. Especially interchangeable roles. Stay sharp.