Tech IndustryMay 14, 2018

Offered promotion but already accepted offer

Hey Guys! I am in weird situation in which I have been offered an intra-company promotion opportunity but I have already accepted a great offer from another company. I can’t put my papers still as my visa transfer is in process and waiting for the go ahead from the new company. Can you guys suggest me on how to decline the promotion offer politely, without burning bridges.

Microsoft omegasol May 14, 2018

Was that a counter offer or they have no idea of your new offer?

Dell Beirus OP May 14, 2018

I believe counter offer won’t be as high as the other offer. Also, I haven’t told anybody yet.

Microsoft omegasol May 14, 2018

What I mean was whether they give you the promotion as a way to prevent you from taking the new offer, or they genuinely meant to give it to you. It seems that it was genuine. I can tell how it is uncomfortable, but you cannot really tell them "I cannot take this promotion because I am going to leave" They may be upset but I don't think this would burn Bridges any more than if you left without being promoted. If you left your work in a reasonable state and you handle your transition well, no Bridges will be burned.

Akamai Technologies qhgQ01 May 14, 2018

Why do you have to deny the promotion? It’s not something that can be accepted or declined. It’s just something given to you. I would suggest that you just treat the promotion just as would if you were not planning to resign soon. Thank your manager for the promotion and continue to work. Once your H1 transfer approval comes through. Resign.

not_hotdog May 14, 2018

It sounds like he's been offered an in-company transfer that comes with a promotion, not just a promotion in his current team/role?

Dell Beirus OP May 14, 2018

Correct not_hotdog

Daimler Biergarten May 14, 2018

Could you ask the new company to do a premium processing for the visa transfer? I would not tell your current company till the h1b application is filed. What happens if you accept the promotion at your current company in the meantime? Will they start loading responsibilities on you immediately?

Dell Beirus OP May 14, 2018

Already in process but I have to tell the decision to join the new team immediately.

Daimler Biergarten May 14, 2018

What if you decline saying you have other things going on (personal) and will have to pass this time?

9l37whwiiq May 14, 2018

When you get promoted doesnt your H1B title get updated?

Dell Beirus OP May 14, 2018

No idea about that.

Apple John! May 14, 2018

Accept promotion and wait for transfer to complete. That is the disadvantage of visa. Hopefully this will lead companies to lobby for giving green card