
Amazon vs. Coinbase vs. Salesforce (internship)

AWS (Seattle) - Return offer, frontend Salesforce (SF) - Financial services cloud Coinbase (Mountain View) - Backend, details pending I do not want to end up on the west coast for new grad, and so I do not care about RO. Looking to optimize resume value for new grad recruiting. Wondering what Blind’s take on this is. TC: 0 #intern #internship #newgrad

118 Participants
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SAP eXter Mar 23

Add comp details.

Amazon trickplay OP Mar 23

It’s internship, comp is roughly all same with negligible difference

Twid chc bcbbcx Mar 23

Can you please tell us how was your coinbase interview? I have upcoming interviews with them

Amazon trickplay OP Mar 23

Leetcode discussion threads are pretty good

Nordstrom rnhf Mar 28

For backend intern? Didn't they change questions from LC discussion threads?

Microsoft pls ficks Mar 23

Definitely Coinbase. Younglin’s can take the beatings

Coinbase ulalla Mar 23

Coinbase is remote so you can work from anywhere

Salesforce UUAO43 Mar 23

Isn't that a worst thing for an internship?

Amazon trickplay OP Mar 23

Would actually prefer remote cause I can stay on campus for fall sem. Coinbase’s program this yr is actually hybrid but I’m gonna try and push for remote fall

Coinbase ulalla Mar 23

If Salesforce is offering remote, you can have a better work life balance . Coinbase work life balance is shit!

Amazon trickplay OP Mar 23

How bad is WLB? Is it team dependent?

Salesforce notpotat Mar 23

I can’t comment on Coinbase, but I’ve worked at Amazon and Salesforce, and WLB is better across the board at SF. Still dependent on team, though.

Salesforce bbcfrjhh Mar 23

All interns get converted to full time.

Amazon trickplay OP Mar 23

Don’t really care about RO

Salesforce BGjw11 Mar 24

will recommend Salesforce

Coinbase BzTk63 Mar 24

Coinbase did major layoffs and we are pretty short staffed. There is non existing work life balance pretty much. Having said that the stock is booming right now. So it's a gamble. If you believe in Bitcoin get into coinbase. If you want stableness and more work life balance look elsewhere

Microsoft pls ficks Mar 24

Thanks for changing my status to “former bag holder” 🫠

Salesforce YoIw51 Mar 24

SF has been good to me

Coinbase btcorbust Mar 24

Only join Coinbase if you are passionate about Crypto and want to make it a career. If you are successful, Coinbase mafia is a real thing, alot of successful startups spun out of Counbase.