I despise Google Workspace

Moved to a company that uses google products and it’s beyond embarrassing the pathetic excuse of products google makes, especially workspace. Let me start with this- 1. Gmail- I could not figure out how to set up filters for my emails. Job involves dealing with countless emails, but low and behold, there really isn’t a straightforward way to organize your emails. Labels are a pathetic excuse for folders. I couldn’t even figure out how to add multiple rules with labels without googling. Gmail is made for end consumers and not users that may have to deal with hundred emails a day. Productivity immediately dived. I am limited to the fonts which they provide. Even adding a custom signature is a pain. 2. Google Sheets. What a sad excuse of a product. Simple example - I selected a column of dates, and clicked on ‘chart’. This thing is so stupid that it shows two dates on y column and a confusing array of options on the right. How do you f it up so bad? I then thought, maybe let’s do a pivot of columns and make it work. I click on pivot and lo behold, it suggests that I do a sum of zip codes. How can you be so dumb? Don’t suggest if you are not reasonably confident. 3. Slides or whatever it’s called. I cannot read something without being concerned that someone else is peeping. If it was office, I could just download it, and then hide the stupidity. Its a weird concept that everything needs to be social and connected with colleagues. 4. Docs - The only decent thing out of the whole lot and even here, I’m concerned that it’s too social. I don’t know who leads Google Workspace, but no wonder that the only way you lure users is by giving it away for free for educators and create a habit. I’d never ever stick with the google stack just because of how poorly designed it is. It pains my heart to say this, but even Mac office stack might be better than Googles. TC - 250k Not at Amex. #tech #google #embarrassing #pathetic

Google abcanc Apr 19, 2023


Google dogfoodie Apr 19, 2023

Ok boomer.

American Express tdif OP Apr 19, 2023

More like google is a company for boomers now 😂. I used bard for five and thought, yeah boomers built this shiz

Amazon AndyJasssy Apr 19, 2023

What’s stopping you to use MS Outlook or Mac Mail? Or even Thunderbird?

American Express tdif OP Apr 19, 2023

That’s what I am doing.

Amazon buckFlind Apr 19, 2023

What previous suite of work products did you use and enjoy? In my experience they’re all shit, though I haven’t used microsoft’s suite at any company yet

Intel more-law Apr 19, 2023

This. There is no day I am not frustrated rn with MS.

Amazon buckFlind Apr 19, 2023

This confirms my theory they all suck

Toast kHqp80 Apr 19, 2023

Sheets is a piss poor Excel rip off

Dropbox loigvfgh Apr 19, 2023

Gmail i kind of get your frustration but everything else was pure boomer

American Express tdif OP Apr 19, 2023

You work at Dropbox…

Dropbox loigvfgh Apr 19, 2023

ya and i make 2x your TC

Google hdi873 Apr 19, 2023

Lol couldn’t figure out filters and charts. And boasts about it to boot! 😂

American Express tdif OP Apr 19, 2023

Salty much?

Google hdi873 Apr 19, 2023

Not at all! I’ve used Office and Workspace. I absolutely hated Office. OneDrive was a complete mess. Teams was awful. Excel is the best in class, but IMO Sheets isn’t far behind. I do like your credit card product though.

Amazon PiVt73 Apr 19, 2023

I get your anger

Unity int13h Apr 19, 2023

Those features you complained of in Google Workspace is there, you are just not used to the new interface. It takes a while but you will be fine after a while. IMHO Office 365 is way worse. I had just set it up recently and it's such a piece of crap it takes DAYS for things to sync, for example you create a shared mailbox it takes just hours before it shows up in people's accounts and then takes days to sync the sendas permissions, I spent hours of my time trouble shooting that crap. And then I updated Outlook to a new version and the whole fucking interface is totally different, now I can't even find where my FROM address went and how to change it.

Unity int13h Apr 19, 2023

Oh yes OneDrive too. It seems like a completely different product that MSFT just stuck into the bundle with Office and you thought after a few years they would have fixed the mess but they haven't. You still can't create a shared drive and it pushes you to the SharePoint.

American Express tdif OP Apr 19, 2023

Seems like all google employees are busy on blind rather than improving Google Workspace or whatever they call.

Microsoft YbQk84 Apr 20, 2023

how else will we know what food they ate in the cafeteria?

American Express tdif OP Apr 20, 2023

Lmao 🤣.