Opinions on tech focused high schools -> industry

I’ve seen tech and science focused high schools in the bay, but a lot if not all of them arent solely tech and science focused. I’m convinced even from a college level, all the extra GE BS isn’t necessary. If a kid knows they want to go into tech, should they be able to start and focus on it from a young age? If it doesn’t work out, they can always switch and solely focus on whatever other field they figured out they would like too, and still probably be done at the same age as with the traditional education route. Thoughts?

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Autodesk qmhh28 Mar 10, 2022

I don’t think solely focusing on one thing your whole life makes for a very well-rounded adult capable of seeing the value in disciplines outside of their own. Humanities studies in particular really taught me a lot about the connections between seemingly disparate systems and events in the world. The ways of thinking I learned in those classes I still use daily today.

shdb Mar 10, 2022

Probably an unpopular answer, but it seems to me that pure nerds never really come out on top in the end. Like I've said elsewhere, having actual technical skills is the most difficult way to get a tech job, and they seem to be the first place to look when it comes time to cut costs. Much better to be able to do sales, schmooze, and manage.

only3sum Mar 10, 2022

It’s important to have a shallow level of information in a few other concepts English, literature, writing etc are important secondary skills imo And you never know where information may come in handy. It’s important to have some level of knowledge about how the world works, how money works etc. GEs are about freedom, your ability to discover things you’re interested, that may not be your primary focus. There are a lot applicable life skills that you may miss out on without a variety of exposure