Oracle AI?

A recruiter reached out re: PM positions in OCI AI, didn't realize Oracle was into chatbots/AI (it's been a while since I left). How is this group perceived within Oracle/OCI? Unfortunately, the chatbot platform itself does not appear to have widespread acceptance (from what I read) :( #product #prod #productmanager #oraclecloud #oracle #oci #ai #chatbot #nlp

Oracle JSnowflake Mar 19, 2022

The Digital Assistant product is actually very strong, in terms of accuracy, deep learning tech depth, and feature completeness. Way ahead of Amazon/Google in this space. Market penetration and branding is not anywhere near as good as it should be though, you are right. But a lot of big companies are deploying with it now. The challenges are that OCI has an IaaS business on which the OCI AI org has been piggybacked but the sales and marketing functions haven't caught up yet.

Oracle trevor-b OP Mar 27, 2022

Unfortunate re: hardly any market penetration.

Dell landmafia Mar 19, 2022

I heard that you will be reporting to a chatbot for this position.

Oracle trevor-b OP Mar 27, 2022

Haha! You are probably not that far off in saying that, from what I hear.