Oracle Fulltime VS Google return intern

I’m masters and will graduate next year. I did a summer internship at Google in 2020. I am international student, visa is also a concern. Previously I planned to do back to back internships in 2021 spring and summer at Facebook and Google. But I also get a Oracle full-time(Corp Architecture, not Cloud). 2 choices right now: 1.Spring FB, accept Oracle start in Sep. Google conversion Pros: Graduate earlier for 3 months. No need to use pre-OPT. I can process H1B 1 year earlier. Cons: It’s already Nov and if I choose to do conversion interview with Google it might be late. Not sure whether there’s enough headcount left. I’m not a fun of Oracle, I’m sure to job hopping and interview Google again after entry. 2. Spring FB + Summer Google, not accept Oracle FT Pros: 2 times internship has high possibility to return to Google directly. Google is dream company. Cons: I have to use pre-OPT for visa, which is risky. It needs 3-4 months to process but Google will not start team match until Dec. I may not able to get EAD card before the internship start date. #engineering #software #swe #google #oracle

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TeBH02 Nov 15, 2020

What school did you go to?

PFSweb, Inc. taxEvader Nov 15, 2020

I say take the full time gig as a way to secure your H1B and have peace of mind with that. Then focus on getting into Google.