IndiaMar 25

Oracle OCI IC4 Principal Engineer salary India

Hi folks, I recently interviewed with Oracle OCI for IC4 Principal Engineer position in India and I am expecting an offer from them in this week. Can someone please tell me what is the salary band that OCI offers for IC4 position in India? Basically, what is the range for Base Pay + Joining Bonus + Stocks per year? Yoe: 10 Current CTC: 65 fixed + 20 esops @oracle @oci #software #oracle #oraclecloud #oci #salary #indiasalary #tech

Google VdakHaAidi Mar 26

Max I've seen is 1.1cr with ~65L base. Rest stocks and JB

frro48 OP Mar 26

Hey @VdakHaAidi Thanks for your input! This is helpful.

frro48 OP Mar 28

The offer is from Distributed file system Org in OCI. By any chance, do you know about org as in the work culture, growth etc. Or, in general, do you know about OCI work culture in India?

Informatica Joker19 Mar 28

What is the offer?

frro48 OP Mar 28

Around 1 cr

VMware oRGB87 Mar 28

Following. Got a verbal offer from Networking org . How is the culture in that org.