Misc.Nov 19, 2022

Finding Alpha - I can see you NOT!

I have come across Therenos Karen many times in my life. And every time I encountered them, I saw the exact reflections of a previous Karen that I worked with before. I see them part of a Tribe [A] where somebody is constantly playing the same game [Drama] over and over again in every incarnation. And sharing the experience with the next one. Just so it could be perfected further. So the skill (which is based on perception: How you see a specific world) becomes a collective behaviour of Tribe [A]. Technically: Agenda: Money Making [There’s no other way this person can comprehend any other rationale as this is the final conclusion this person has arrived to] Orchestration Strategy: Drama [It’s a process which shows its true form eventually] Intent: To lead you 👁 & business to a specific direction. Scale Strategy: Inflation of Tribe [Karen] (KarenFlation) by utilising ‘The Bridge’ KarenFlation: This is a process to inflate the phenomenon where a Karen is able to: 1. Increase the market value 2. Teach the skill within the Tribe 3. Expand the tribe [A] 4. Poach a person from Tribe [B] and make her join the movement. 6. Repeat Tribe [A]…Tribe [X] (Forward Propagation) Note: Applying strategy on a subject and learning how they feel is Backward Propagation. The Bridge - This is a feature of connected economy where Karens can share & exchange knowledge across corps and regions which could be applied in their universe [Exclusive Groups] and the outcomes are shared for research for a Winning strategy. “Being Blind is powerful. Because you can see the real intentions. If you can’t, you are not Blind. You’re something else.”

Sorry Sam Chand. You’re not Blind.
Microsoft poochie Nov 19, 2022

You're GPT's Pinocchio

Amazon rowdyguy Nov 19, 2022

Was this written by an AI? Pretty impressive it almost makes sense

Unity Biden'sUSA Nov 19, 2022

Just as confusing as OPs software

DocuSign starrling Nov 19, 2022

Post this on LinkedIn with your name.

Apple Rythm Nov 20, 2022

I’m watching “Maniac” on Netflix, this fits what the lead character would have written.