
Evaluating competing positions

I need help in evaluating a new job offer after starting at a company less than a month ago. I just started a position as a senior DS at an adtech company. It's a good position with a solid manager so far, but I've been here less than a month. The TC is a little nebulous since they are pre-IPO. Salary: 190k, bonus 16k, and Stock Appreciation Rights which could be up to 300k over 4 years (at a generous valuation). So, TC is 206k to possibly 281. I just received an offer from an event scheduling tech company as a senior DS doing fraud/ risk prediction. Salary is 170k, RSUs 150k over 4 years, TC: 208k. The managers are solid at both places, but the one at the event scheduling is much younger and more technical. The manager at the adtech company is more solid in traditional statistics vs. the manager at the event scheduling company being more solid in ML. The work is probably modestly more interesting at the event scheduling company doing fraud prediction; however, adtech is such a massive market it feels like specializing in the sector will be the better long-term data science focus. Both jobs are senior to a director/VP role, so a lot of room to be the right-hand in building out and up a DS org. I have 9 years of increasing job responsibility in analytics and data science. I have a STEM graduate degree from a top university. Any thoughts on the compensation ranges or how to navigate? My best guess is to tell the job that just made me an offer that I need more compensation to leave my current job because the upside is possibly too large at it. They are trying to sell me on the growth potential of the RSUs, but I don't think the pre-IPO stock will be worthless. Both positions are totally remote. #datascience #dataanalytics #data #careeradvice

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