
Should I sell my Tesla stock @ ~$250?

I joined Tesla and was granted stocks when it was around at high 300, which is not ideal. I'm not really investment savvy and generally new to this, I potentially need the money in about 1-2 years for a house deposit. I currently have 50k in it, and another 50k by 2 more years. Should I sell it at around $250 and make a loss, or wait till it's higher like 300 and just call it even. I can potentially not sell and borrow from family when the time comes to making a deposit. 6 years exp and 250k TC

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Adobe poomah Jun 5, 2023

Wtf why would you sell below your grant price. Wait for it. You will regret it later. Also if you are in bay area housing market mirrors stock market

Okta shd95 Jun 5, 2023

Tell that to my coworker who got a grant at $300. We are now at $70. If you wouldn’t take your bonus and buy company stock why would you keep RSUs?

Adobe downBadd Jun 5, 2023

Love your confidence

Microsoft Yh7w9oe Jun 5, 2023

My rsu was granted at ATH 335 in Dec 2021 at msft. I know your feeling but I'd hold. I believed and still do in my company, so after 1.5 yrs my stock goes back up to 335 exactly today. 😅

Adobe udHtrjdu Jun 5, 2023

Keep it, I don’t think it’s even possible to count RSUs as a loss for tax purposes. Correct me if I’m wrong tho

Microsoft BarFoo+ Jun 5, 2023

You're wrong.

Adobe udHtrjdu Jun 5, 2023

Fair enough