Tech IndustryFeb 16, 2018

PIVOT Appeal: Advice on choosing/removing panelists?

I’ve been entered into Pivot. I’m appealing. I was given a list of panelists to review to decide whom to remove. I did some basic research on each of them (Phonetool, Facebook, LinkedIn). All are 3 degrees away from me, so no connection. Any input/thoughts?

Amazon me98402 Feb 16, 2018

What will be your core argument ?

Amazon nWep84 Feb 16, 2018

That’s the norm so they can make purely managerial judgements on the case. Rather than bring their personal biases from the same or partnering org. I know someone who made a very specific and data driven doc - with timelines well articulated- to make their case and they won. So make sure you have a clear doc because ... Amazon. Good luck

Amazon kSyhHr4 Feb 16, 2018

You should remove more junior panelists, IMO. They are more likely to side with company/your current manager (for lack of backbone/fear). More senior people are more likely to make judgements based on your data/case. I appealed pivot and won, you can dm me for more info. If there is any link at all (been in meetings, interacted before) and you are mentioning the area of interaction in the doc, it may be good to keep that panelist to gain credibility with them (if the little area you have in common checks out then likely your entire doc is more believable, eben the areas that you did not interact over).

Amazon jeff@ Feb 18, 2018

I disagree, voting is anonymous, so Jr panelist are more likely to side with you and better understand you're perspective. Seasoned managers are likely more loyal to the company than a random person.

L15 Feb 16, 2018

I have no idea what you guys are talking about. But have enough of a faint idea to be glad I turned down my offer.

Amazon lordbucket Feb 16, 2018

Initials of panel? Just got asked to sit in on one

Amazon anudder Feb 16, 2018

Don't appeal it, embrace it! You're about to get 3 months paid vacation!

Amazon me98402 Feb 17, 2018

Might be difficult getting rehired..... Work on pivot and clear and leave