
Lower title, similar pay?

I’m bored at my current job and got an offer from a role I’m excited about. They’re offering a lower title, similar pay but more intersting work. Doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to negotiate a higher title. Should I stay or should I go?

21 Participants
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CQxN46 Mar 27

Try to figure out where you want to be in 3-5yrs and use that as a basis. Make sure boss at new job isn’t a nightmare

Lacework Meagen Mar 27

always go for the highest pay with the lowest title. it is less responsibilities, and leaves room for growth.

unzipped OP Mar 27

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! However, a bigger title would set you up for bigger opportunities down the road?

Lacework Meagen Mar 27

even if you are high level, as a newcomer, you will always have to prove yourself before you are handed the big opportunities.