Tech IndustryOct 8, 2018

PM with wlb

Posting for a friend who is not on blind : She is a principal PM and is looking to see if there is any place which would offer a PM role with flexible hours and wlb. She is looking to work 30 hours per week and have a little bit of time for her young kids for a year. NO TROLLS PLS!!

Microsoft T7j23 Oct 8, 2018

30 hours/ week at principal level is too less.. level down at Microsoft and maybe she can accomplish that at senior by being really good

Microsoft @zzz Oct 8, 2018

Most pm jobs at msft would qualify for that.

Amazon whatever2 Oct 8, 2018

Takes 30 secs to download the app and get responses. Tell her that.

eBay Cntrnftnuf OP Oct 8, 2018

She’s currently not working. Doesn’t blind need a work email to register?

Amazon whatever2 Oct 8, 2018

She can create one using her LInkedIn profile.

Sirius XM DkPiIm Oct 8, 2018

To do it officially she would probably need to take a pay cut or pitch that she can drop a level and put in the same quality of work as the lower level peers in 30 hours per week. To do it unofficially she would need to pick a company that already has a reputation for moving slowly, good wlb, and where she is likely to ordinarily outperform her peers and then probably still need to do the same job somewhat faster than her peers to make up for the lost time and plan to occasionally work full hours when needed. PM is a hard job to cut corners on (when done right) so nothing is guaranteed in the “unofficial” route.

eBay Cntrnftnuf OP Oct 9, 2018

How does one find such opportunities?

Sirius XM DkPiIm Oct 9, 2018

To go the official route you could maybe network your way into it or make it clear when you first apply. To go the unofficial route you need to have some sort of sense of what other companies are like, so it helps to ask people or do research.