DiversityMar 27, 2018

POLL: Is it racist to ask if you are a US citizen on the US Census?

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Microsoft FlintLWood Mar 27, 2018

Racist? No. Weird? Yes. Like any illegal alien is going to answer "no"? What do they expect to gain from this?

Amazon BeJeff OP Mar 27, 2018

Representation in Congress is determined by population numbers in the census.

Facebook ohboi Mar 27, 2018

It's not illegal to answer no.

Uber nuber-atg Mar 27, 2018

No, but it's an unnecessary question

Amazon BeJeff OP Mar 27, 2018

Why? Representation in Congress is determined by the population counted in the census.

Facebook ohboi Mar 27, 2018

Of course not. But it'll result in millions lost as we keep accidentally deporting legal citizens.

Apple Marijuana Mar 27, 2018

Pet peeve: The media calling this “anti-immigrant”. It isn’t anti-immigrant. It’s only anti illegal/undocumented immigrant (using both terms to avoid feeding the trolls).

Facebook ohboi Mar 27, 2018

Not being a citizen can be legal. You know that right?

Apple Marijuana Mar 27, 2018

Sure, but legal immigrants would have no issues giving their citizenship info on a census. Only illegal ones might choose to not fill out the form.

Microsoft Happynoob Mar 27, 2018

The US Constitution protects the rights of the citizens of the US., the question should be asked since the Census is a constitutional mandate the "population" to be counted inherently are us citizens.

PizzaDaHut Apr 22, 2018

The constitution protects everybody here except a few diplomats: " nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Microsoft Happynoob Apr 22, 2018

Sure protection under the law but not the right of representation if the person under its jurisdiction is not here legally.

Sapient Razorfish BFSc86 Apr 4, 2018

We are doing a disservice to the millions of hardworking immigrant families who worked hard to become American citizens and take advantage of the systems our tax dollars provide. Support legal immigrants. Deport illegal immigrants. Btw/ my family emigrated here.

Microsoft Happynoob Apr 4, 2018

If they are here legally and as you say became American citizen then they'd be counted

PizzaDaHut Apr 22, 2018

This is just a way to hurt California and a few other immigrant heavy states (most of them very Blue although FL and TX are exceptions) in the next reapportionment. Basically the same as gerrymandering.