Accenture vs. McKinsey Digital

Has anyone worked at both places and is willing to share their insights as to how they compare? Working culture Projects Prestige (in Digital/Technology Consulting) Innovation TC (last because I dont care that much) #consulting #digtial #digitalconsulting

Oracle vrtK8 May 20, 2020

McKinsey is top of their industry when it comes to prestige

Accenture ovRH25 OP May 20, 2020

In the technology consulting space as well?

Accenture knhY83 May 20, 2020

We/ Deloitte generally lead the pack with "digital" offerings though MBB is now trying to move into that space (good chunk of McKinsey digital is ex-Accenture). "Digital" is also a big realm - is there a specific capability you have in mind?

McKinsey Always2nd May 21, 2020

Haven’t worked at Accenture but noticed their presence at clients I’ve served. I think for the most part we adopt very different models. First, Digital McKinsey consultants (not including new capabilities like analytics, design, etc.) are virtually indistinguishable from generalist consultants, except that they focus disproportionately on problems related to a) digital transformation for all companies and b) any problems of strategic importance for tech/digital companies. Accenture may compete with Digital McKinsey on a), but not really on b). Even on a), McKinsey Digital typically may advise the CIO/CTO on roadmap and vision, while Accenture supports on executing that roadmap. Both critical, but operationally different — high vs low margin, few vs many consultants on the ground, serving the CEO/CIO vs CEO/CIO-1/2 and so on. Digital McKinsey is indistinguishable on culture, prestige, compensation. I’m part of Digital McKinsey and almost always on teams with colleagues from a variety of other practices, including generalist. When I’m staffing teams, I’m blind to which practices associates are part of. Just that they are rockstars. Hope this helps. I’m less familiar with newer firm functions like analytics and design.

Accenture ovRH25 OP May 21, 2020

Very helpful! Thank you for the insights. How do the design, analytics functions differ from the rest?

jnSL21 May 26, 2020

A little late but Digital McKinsey is essentially indistinguishable from regular McKinsey. Can easily cross-staff to rest of McK and vice versa. Ton of cool digital projects. - Former McK