Tech IndustryOct 14, 2018

Partner Engineer | Twitter

I’m interviewing for a partner engineer position. I have been asked to prepare a technical presentation for the onsite interview. What expectations do they generally have for technical presentations? I have not done any technical presentations in previous interviews and would appreciate any advice or tips.

Proofpoint foodtruckj Oct 14, 2018

I still don't understand what this position is. Is it business? Are you writing code? What's going on?

Microsoft LbxsthcdGi Oct 14, 2018

What did the recruiter say?

Intel Asafetida OP Oct 14, 2018

Very vague pointers. Duration of 15 mins, use of datasets, follow up questions.

Oracle iRVG77 Oct 15, 2018

Sounds like big data slide deck. Never done a presentation before?

Qualcomm Roosy Oct 15, 2018

True with any presentation (3-4 bullets per slide) and don't read the slide

Microsoft Sn*_cYyYY Oct 24, 2018

How did this go?

Microsoft PayMeBish Feb 6, 2019

How much to partner engineers get paid? Range?