AWS computer vision team worth it SDEII?

I’m interviewing with AWS CV and was wondering if it’s worth it. Seems the team is new and everything, and a chance to learn some cool stuff. Current job is super easy laid back and I’m not learning a whole bunch anymore. The stack is different from what I normally work on though I have a math/cs background and worked on full stack at fiserv Need legit answers not getting much other responses from companies TC:100 2YOE

Cohesity RADIOclown Jul 19, 2021

You need to share more about your education background. CV needs ML, Deep learning, Math background.

Fiserv AaKk344 OP Jul 19, 2021

I have a full stack react / nodejs and docker /kubernetes/AWS/nosql background and the role is for SDE II

Cohesity RADIOclown Jul 19, 2021

I don't think that will help. Sorry.

Amazon bbmite Jul 19, 2021

What is the job role? If you are not an AS, won’t be doing much of CV/ML anyways

Fiserv AaKk344 OP Jul 19, 2021

It is SDE II