Tech IndustryMar 16, 2021

Poll: Leetcode or DS&A To Beat Technical Interviews

I'm bad at timed tests. Really bad. I've never passed one Hacker Rank test, and have taken 5-7. On half of those, things "click" right when the timer ends and the pressure is off. Nothing I can do about that. The other half though, I never pass the optimal solution test cases, but can at least understand the question enough to brute force my way through. I have enough data engineering experience at this point that I'm getting interest for dedicated software engineering positions(ml focus) rather than just the typical, all-encompassing-but-likely-to-be-an-analyst data science roles. There is an obvious knowledge gap, as any engineering-heavy role will test on DS&A, and the only CS class I took in undergrad was problem solving. So, how should I direct my focus to prepare? I could do nothing but practice problems, and then go over the theory that I see pop up frequently in solutions. I could do an entire audit of a DS&A course and then practice with Leetcode after. Or, I could start with the topics that are most commonly tested, study the theory, do practice problems, and then repeat for the next topic.

46 Participants
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Expedia Group lsuf tow Mar 16, 2021

Practice makes perfect, especially if you can spend some time everyday, at least solve one problem before you sleep. Grokking course helped me Accelerate the game A LOT, worth the $ they charge for it