PoliticsSep 12, 2019

Populist Warren Takes Aim at Middle Class White Males

I'm certain this news will garner much appause from some, but it can't be good for attracting votes away from Trump. Warren has proposed so many Socialist ideas with scant details on how WE would pay for them that it will be interesting to see if she is called out by Biden tonight on how the math works. Warren’s SSN proposal also calls for updating what she describes as “outdated rules to further increase benefits for lower-income families, women, people with disabilities, public-sector workers and people of color.” https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAHbR1b?m=en-us&referrerID=InAppShare

Warren, on debate day, proposes Social Security boost of $200 per month
Warren, on debate day, proposes Social Security boost of $200 per month
Fox News