
Preparing for Quantitative Analyst at Google

Hello, If possible can anyone let me know how to prepare for quantitative analyst position in Google. Currently I work as BIE at Amazon and prior to it as Business Analyst. On Glassdoor I could only see probability related questions. Any inputs.

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Amazon train_pred Jun 8, 2018

A few stats topics will be covered depending on the team, but the one that I saw consistently came up is AB testing/ experiment design/ hypothesis testing.

Axtria KaggleLove Jun 8, 2018

Yup. AB testing, hypothesis testing. ML concepts like clustering, regularisation, outlier detection, random forest. Also SQL, R/python coding.

Amazon TechSavvvy OP Jun 8, 2018

In R and python what all packages should I know very well,

Axtria KaggleLove Jun 8, 2018

Python - pandas, numpy, scikitlearn, matplotlib, seaborn, tensorflow, keras R - tidyr, dplyr, caret, glmnet, gbm, rocr, tree/rpart, ggplot2 As far as I know, they ask you ml algorithms theory but the coding should be basic data manipulation through pandas/numpy or tidyr/dplyr. They don't make you code ml algorithms.

Monsanto masaimara Jun 8, 2018

They focus a lot on stats at intermediate level (think differences between MLE and MAP sort of stuff)!

Axtria KaggleLove Jun 8, 2018

Mle and map?

Monsanto masaimara Jun 8, 2018

Maximum likelihood Estimate & Maximum a-posteriori estimate

PayPal YangJin Jun 9, 2018

Can any one who has cracked google quantitative analyst interview explain what interview rounds will be there ? And also can some one point to good resources for the preparation.

Axtria foiba Sep 17, 2019

Did you find any good resources?

Amazon TechSavvvy OP Jun 16, 2018

I have worked with R and Python a bit, but is there any good way for practising and solving interview based problems. Like Leetcode for R and Python

Axtria foiba Sep 17, 2019

Did you find something?

Apple fucka3 Jun 21, 2018

Don’t be fooled by the “analyst” in its title. It’s targeting stats PhD. If you’re a BIE at Amazon, it would be really hard.

Amazon TechSavvvy OP Jun 21, 2018

I understand, but if I prepare for Quantitative Analyst at Google, that should make me well prepared for rest of the data scientist jobs as well.

Apple fucka3 Jun 21, 2018

Honestly no. Data scientist is not well defined in different companies. Google QA really dives deep on your statistical knowledge. Just my 2 cents.

Axtria foiba Sep 17, 2019

How was the interview?