Product Manager - weakness question

What do you answer for this? For me, it is multitasking, however this doesn't seem like a good answer. It doesn't have much depth to it. #product #productmanager #pm

Twilio gqTK53 May 15, 2022

That you work for workday

ServiceNow 35713 May 16, 2022


Microsoft boomer📞 May 16, 2022

That was unnecessary

Toptal ILBBAICL1 May 15, 2022

It doesn't matter, the point is highlighting your self-awareness: "I would say multi-tasking is my biggest natural weakness, however I've made a lot of strides here by being more organized (to-do lists, reminders, pomodoro method,etc...), which have allowed me to be much more efficient. It's something that's top of mind for me and I work on strengthening." Even better if you have a past weakness that became a strength after some effort and hard work that you can gingerly slip into your response.

Workday djsveib OP May 15, 2022

Thank you!

Meta worldwide🏝 May 15, 2022

Exactly this. Weakness is a trap question. Name something then immediately highlight how you have grown in it and how it is a focus area for you. Multi-tasking is actually a good one, as it is fairly harmless.

Amazon lefsguat May 15, 2022

Your answer depends on the job profile. Say something thats not critical to the role but is still a growth opportunity for you.

JFqs12 May 15, 2022

I work too hard and care too much.

Capital One toshisan May 16, 2022

… so my weakness is actually my strength - Michael Scott

bNLy14 May 16, 2022

Easy way to get a reject.

Google whgiso May 16, 2022

Those gorgeous blue eyes of yours

DraftKings XTnC27 May 16, 2022

I usually explain my wife's new boyfriend

arbad May 16, 2022

This comment wind today's grand prize.

WPS Health Insurance Kello May 16, 2022


Oracle RYXV35 May 16, 2022

My pro answer to this question is to bring up a Meyers Briggs test or Emergenetics or something like that. Speak about your colors and how you know you best communicate this way and interact that way, and those tests have helped you understand the best ways to interact with other people of different profiles. Makes you sound self aware, able to communicate really well, and your weakness is simply a human trait that everyone has and is very relatable.

Yahoo glutto May 16, 2022

No wonder I get rejected left right and center

Accel 🦄finder May 16, 2022

Whoever asks the question is outdated. Like a politician don’t answer the question head on. Product is focused on execution, strategy, and vision. Depending on your level you can say “I don’t spend enough time on long term vision as I’m focused on executing near and midterm goals.” Leave it at that. Less is more.

Amazon frustrate May 16, 2022

"What is your greatest weakness?" "I'm too honest." "I don't really think honesty is a weakness." "Well, I don't give a fuck what you think."

Capital One jchillin May 16, 2022


Microsoft BreadLasso May 16, 2022

All of my weaknesses are actually strengths, so there's no point in answering this question. When this question is poised to me, I just tell them that they need to tell me 5 of their deepest, darkest secrets first before I'll let open up.