
Product Manager Referral

Hey, everyone, I am a previous startup founder who is looking referrals to transition into a Product Manager role with 4+ years of experience in Product Management and 6+ years of experience in Marketing, Sales, Business Development, Management, Strategy, and Operations. coupled with a Bachelors's in Computer Engineering and an MBA. I am interested in any location, currently in Austin, Tx, and is open to any location within the USA. Companies I feel like the would be a culture fit are Microsoft Apple Google Indeed Instagram Square Snapchat Atlassian IBM Netflix Bank of America #faang #pm #product #productmanager #startupexperience #referral #Productmanagerreferral #austin #texas #usa #Microsoft #Google #Apple #Indeed #instagram #Square #snapchat #atlassian #Ibm #Netflix #BankofAmerica #Microsoft

Amazon Mr.Jupyter May 19, 2020

Rip Amazon

t67 Jun 4, 2020


Google googllm May 19, 2020

DM for google

JPMorgan Chase advxet1298 May 25, 2020

Can I chat with you about how you transitioned into a Product role?

Twilio p@$$w0rd. Jun 1, 2020

DM for Twilio if interested