
Product Owner Career Options

asking for someone else. currently working for a top 500 CPG company as a Global team Product Owner (agile) for both e-commerce platforms and brand website properties. what sort of roles should I explore now. I have experience managing full stack developers and our workstreams (heavy), and understand how the business is set up to make money very well. I also get along very well with its people (leaders). Just a bit ignorant as to what valuable experiences are out there or what path my career can take. I’m currently a shining star but don’t want to stagnate. I’ve considered becoming a BRM or Product Manager, and would like working for a tech company such as Google, or Microsoft. any help would be very helpful. thank you

MRM//McCann BaseItHome OP Sep 24, 2019

Forgot to mention. I’ve fulfilled multiple roles during my tenure. (Prev a BA). Also hold a master in Mktg Analytics from a top school.