Promotion from SWE II to senior compensation raise

I have been told that I will be promoted to senior next week, currently software engineer II. I wanted to know what is the normal raise for the promotion? Based on research, I should be happy with 20%? And fight if I get less than 15%? Another question, if I get 20 or 25% should I still ask for more? Or does it come off unprofessional? TC: 185k PS: I don’t work for Accenture anymore, currently at another no name startup.#engineering #software #swe

FanDuel plvwhau Feb 4, 2022

Depends on how close they are to ipo or acquisition and how much tc you consider as real tc. I would prioritize a minimum requirement in cash

Ciena dNJz50 Feb 4, 2022

You get what you get. If you aren’t happy with it, grind LC and get a new job.

CafE36 Feb 4, 2022

Yeah I recently got the equivalent of a 4% raise. It was insane. Got them to tack on 10% but I’m leetcoding right now and preparing to leave