Pushing out start date Microsoft

Hi all, currently in the interview loop at Microsoft. Right now I am located on the East Coast and would need to relocate to Redmond WA. Problem is my lease ends in September, and I am also getting married in September. Plus moving across the country is a lot of work. If I got an offer in early May, would they let me push my start date out to mid September (about 4 months)? Thanks!

16 Participants
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Apple 🍎🪭boy Apr 6

I suggest get the offer first and then casually bring this topic. Tell them you need to work from home till Sept and relocate in Oct.

NVIDIA Bsno45 Apr 6

Yeah just negotiate it as part of the offer if you get one.

Bloomberg ngTH31 Apr 6

They usually ask these questions in the first email something like “If ygiven offer will you be able to join within X months”

Microsoft JDAB65 Apr 6

Probably not. I'm assuming the headcount would go away if they don't fill it... Especially crossing fiscal years. Ask if you can do remote until September or see if you can negotiate a cash bonus to pay for additional travel. I was separated from wife for about 45 days while she sold our house. That was 23 years ago... They were more generous on relocation $$$ and help at that time.

Lockheed Martin aEDk18 OP Apr 6

Thanks, I have a security clearance which requires in person work. I hope they can give me remote work until then.