Tech IndustryFeb 19, 2020

Putting LC answers to your GitHub

Hello Blind Fellow. Did you did or consider posting daily on your GitHub answers (code) to the problems you solved on LC? How did it turn out? The reason I am asking is because apparenly: 1. “green boxes” on GitHub are super important for recruter and that’s what they are looking for. 2. You are “showing off” your potential employer depth and breadth of your coding skills. 3. Good way of being persistent. 4. On the opposite side, I heard you shouldn’t put anything on GitHub as it shows you “know the answers” to the interview questions. What’s your take away? Thanks.

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Feb 19, 2020

If you interview someone, will you check their GitHub repos?

FLYR hQJf32 Feb 19, 2020

If you put it on your app or resume it’s fair game

Intel ptXR05 OP Feb 19, 2020

If that person provide GitHub link on the resume/LinkedIn, then definitely I would check it. Maybe not each repo, but at least glance to see if a person is “passionate about coding”.

FLYR hQJf32 Feb 19, 2020

No I’d rather ppl not think I leet coded and am just that nice. Get your GitHub history up the right way

Amazon getthat$ Feb 19, 2020

Many of my friends in FAANG haven't touched github in years and never heard it being an issue. We all have our githubs on our resumes.

Kargo VkLo45 Feb 19, 2020

The industry is so depressing these days. No offense OP but geez. Leetcode as a metric is such a disaster. GitHub was supposed to be a metric of actual contribution to open source and real projects not a system to game by pushing answers to glorified crossword puzzles to get green dots for recruiters. If this is the game now I don’t hold it against you for playing it. But it’s so incredibly broken.

Intel ptXR05 OP Feb 19, 2020

No problem. I hear you and appreciate your feedback. Just wanted to hear others opinion. That’s all. BTW I do work for open source team and we do contribute to Linux kernel.

Kargo VkLo45 Feb 19, 2020

Like I said it’s nothing personal, the industry just depresses me. You don’t have to justify ambition, I’m grinding LC myself right now, I just wish all of us probably relatively smart people didn’t have to put so much effort into gaming interviews and pulling recruiters, it’s just such a broken waste of talent in my opinion

Indeed rainwater Feb 19, 2020

I did it just to keep a record of my own progress.