Grind DSA or work on a side hustle ?

With the current job market, which might never return to the crazy levels of 21-23, and with such intense competition, what do you think is the better option? Work on something as a side hustle (while coasting in a comfy job and not grow), or just keep grinding DSA with the hope that things improve. Having a hard time deciding one. I feel I should decide and commit. Can't keep trying both as I won't do justice to either and end up nowhere! What'd you do in such a situation ? #engineering #software #swe

18 Participants
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Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज Apr 18

Side hustle as in launch courses? I'd say grind DSA as the ROI >>>>

Amazon gogreengg OP Apr 18

Really? I mean launch courses could be an option, but yeah selling digital products at scale could become big

Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज Apr 18

It's a double sided sword ⚔️ you got to be thick skin 💪🏻 because when people start trolling or badmouth about your courses / products it might hurt you emotionally and online traces - they haunt you.

Meta daddy-kewl Apr 18

Should’ve been a poll

Amazon gogreengg OP Apr 18

True. Edited.

Amazon gogreengg OP Apr 18

Also, had a screening round with Meta (London) last week, recruiter ghosted. What's up with you guys ? 😂

Alteryx PGY75 Apr 18

You should do both - both have value..