Python not an option for Snowflake interviews?

Currently aiming for database internals roles at Snowflake, Databricks, MongoDB and similar. I have experience with C++, but prefer to code in python for interviews and leetcode style questions. Is it true that Snowflake sends out OA/phone interviews that can only be solved in C++ and Java? What about the other companies? If it's true, any tips to ramp up my cpp leetcode skills in 1-2 months? TC: 114K

Plaid saltmiiner Apr 21, 2023


Hubspot BRAVE🦸‍♂️ Apr 21, 2023

Lol really.

Palantir VQaF70 Apr 21, 2023

It depends on the team. The team I’m interviewing for uses golang or python. So I don’t see a reason why I cannot use python for interview. But maybe it’s different if you are to work on cpp related

Salesforce aviat0 Apr 21, 2023

There’s no way this is true

ByteDance ebgnsgng Apr 21, 2023

How many yoe do you have?

Tyler Technologies ThalaFrevr OP Apr 21, 2023


Databricks datasaur Apr 22, 2023

Why does the language matter for the interview?

Snowflake nVIR00 Apr 23, 2023

I was able to I think, they didn't ask too much coding question

Tyler Technologies ThalaFrevr OP Apr 24, 2023

They didn't ask too many coding questions? What level was this for?

Snowflake baboonie Apr 23, 2023

You can code in Python for interviews.

Snowflake ❄️cone Apr 24, 2023

To confirm, you can code in Python for interviews. Whether you should is another matter. My advice would be to code in a language that you are comfortable writing production code in. Or that you can write idiomatically. I've seen candidates use such a limited subset of python that I wonder why they bothered

Snowflake nRxC37 Apr 28, 2023

Recently interviewed with them, did all my coding in Python