Tech IndustryFeb 23, 2019

QA Engineer wanting to move to Dev

I'm a QA Automation Engineer. But I've always wanted to be a developer. How can I become one? I'm not a Computer Science graduate. So, I don't know those space tome complexity questions that the big companies ask. I got laughed at by an amazon phone screen interviewer in 2016 for not knowing that and that kinda left a bad taste. I can code well. Java and C# is what I've been working with for the last few years. I work hard, bagged a job at Oracle and have been a consistent high performer in what I do. But I want to be a developer. Where do I start? How do I become a good developer and bag those crazy salaries people on here post about in those big companies?

eBay DLXD8123 Feb 23, 2019

I made a similar switch. No CS degree but related engineering degree (information science). Started as sdet/qa automation and got pigeonholed, but got out. Grind leetcode and modify your resume to call yourself a tools developer/software engineer, which will get you past HR screening. Build a spring boot web service on your own to learn the framework. Just apply for dev jobs and something will stick. I would take a dev job at no-name company over software engineer in test at google if TC was the same. So much happier with work and not being treated like a 2nd class citizen.

Oracle voFc70 OP Feb 23, 2019

Thank you..

Citadel GXwA25 Jul 27, 2020

Thank you. Do you see an issue during background check you resume is not consistent with the current title? (resume SWE vs actual automation engineer)

OpenTable Meliodas Feb 23, 2019

Talk to the engineering manager that you currently QA for. Ask if you can try working through some of the bugs you find to find a fix. Build some experience and make an internal transfer. Otherwise, you will be at a disadvantage competing with people that received formal educations in software.

Dropbox ldhdhmxm Feb 23, 2019

While good QA IC is highly valuable in my opinion, unfortunately it is a dead end job from the individual career persepective. Build relationships with Dev manager and don't be shy to ask for opportunities.